Are you struggling to manage a stressful event or feeling overwhelmed while adjusting to life after a traumatic experience? If so, understanding the differences between acute stress disorder vs. PTSD can help provide clarity and reassurance.
It’s normal to feel some stress in response to a traumatic event. In fact, 5% of US adults experience PTSD in any given year. But when this stress persists and begins to interfere with everyday life, it could be something more than just an understandable reaction.
This guide will discuss the essential elements for diagnosing ASD and PTSD in military members, first responders, and other adults who have experienced trauma. We’ll also explore why it’s important to seek help from medical professionals when experiencing symptoms of either disorder.
What Is PTSD?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can occur after a traumatic event. You don't have to experience the event yourself. Sometimes, you simply have to witness something traumatic. It can include events such as the following:
Military combat
Natural disasters
Sexual assault
Physical abuse
Any other life-threatening situation
People with PTSD may experience some of the following symptoms:
Intrusive and upsetting memories of the event
Nightmares and difficulty sleeping
Avoidance of people and places associated with trauma
Difficulty concentrating
Negative thoughts and emotions such as fear or guilt
Feeling detached from others
Difficulty regulating their emotions
Do you experience any of these symptoms? If so, you might be able to receive PTSD treatment. A medical professional can diagnose PTSD through clinical interviews and assessments, including a review of your medical history and symptoms.
What Is Acute Stress Disorder?
Another common condition military members and first responders often experience is acute stress disorder. It is an intense psychological reaction that can occur immediately after exposure to a traumatic event. It can involve symptoms like those of PTSD, such as the following:
Extreme fear and anxiety
Difficulty regulating emotions
ASD typically lasts up to one month and can be diagnosed by medical professionals based on your reported symptoms and experiences. Treatment of ASD often includes cognitive behavioral therapy, support groups, medication, and relaxation techniques.
Acute Stress Disorder vs. PTSD
So, what's the main difference between acute stress disorder vs. PTSD? Though ASD and PTSD share many of the same symptoms, they differ in duration and intensity.
A key distinction lies in the duration of the symptoms experienced. Acute stress disorder develops shortly after the event and typically lasts for up to a month. This is unlike PTSD, which can affect your well-being for months or years.
Moreover, the symptoms exhibited by individuals with PTSD are more severe and can severely impact their daily functioning and interpersonal relationships. On the other hand, acute stress disorder symptoms are relatively less intense. In most cases, they don't cause the same disruption in a person's life.
Lastly, unlike PTSD, acute stress disorder does not always require formal treatment, as it often resolves independently. Consequently, recognizing the differences is essential for proper diagnosis, treatment, and support.
However, it's important to note that if you have ASD, you might benefit from treatment. It is a serious condition, and you deserve to feel better. Sometimes, trauma and stress injury education can help. Talk therapy might help you work through your emotions, too.
How to Manage PTSD
Do you feel like you have symptoms of PTSD? It is important to remember that PTSD is treatable, and various helpful strategies are available.
Cognitive behavioral therapy can help those struggling with PTSD. The therapy will help you identify and manage difficult emotions, replace negative thought patterns, and develop healthier behaviors. Support groups can provide additional tools for navigating daily life with PTSD.
Medication may also be prescribed to help regulate moods and reduce anxiety levels. Practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing can help reduce stress levels in moments of distress. However, working with a trauma-informed practitioner is going to be key regardless.
How to Manage Acute Stress Disorder
As mentioned above, ASD might resolve on its own. However, there are ways you can learn to manage it.
It begins with understanding and recognizing the triggers that may contribute to the onset of stress. Additionally, seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor can prove invaluable in addressing the root causes of stress and providing you with effective coping strategies.
Engaging in self-care activities like exercise, relaxation techniques, and a healthy diet can help alleviate stress. The goal is to promote emotional and physical balance. So, connecting with a support network of friends or family might help.
Ultimately, it's important to set realistic goals for recovery. Practice self-compassion as you navigate your triggers and emotions. In doing so, you can manage acute stress disorder effectively.
Get PTSD Treatment
Are you struggling to understand the difference between acute stress disorder vs. PTSD? We're here to help. At Legionary Mental Health, our primary focus is on offering exceptional mental health services tailored specifically for the courageous heroes who serve in the military and as first responders.
We recognize your immense challenges and singular experiences in these demanding roles. We are committed to guiding you through such complexities with our professional expertise. With a compassionate and understanding team, we are here to listen and empower you to achieve mental clarity and take control of your life.
Let's start a conversation today about how we can craft a personalized pathway to help you embrace the fulfilling life that you truly deserve. Contact us now to get started.